Mesut Özil verteidigt Mandy Capristo gegenüber seinem Vater
Mesut Özil auf dem 'Laureus Medien Award' in Berlin
Mesut Özil verteidigt Mandy Capristo: "Sie hat keine Schuld"
Die Differenzen zwischen Fußball-Star Mesut Özil und seinem Vater scheinen sich zu verhärten. Nachdem Mustafa Özil zuletzt Mandy Capristo für das zerrüttete Vater/Sohn-Verhältnis verantwortlich gemacht hatte, äußerte sich nun Mesut zu den Vorwürfen gegen seine Ex-Freundin.
"Mandy trifft an dem Bruch mit meinem Vater keine Schuld. Sie hat damit nullkommanull zu tun", wird der 26-Jährige von 'Bild' zitiert. Damit stellt sich Mesut ganz klar schützend vor seine ehemalige Lebenspartnerin und widerspricht gleichzeitig seinem Vater.
Wie sehr leidet Mesut unter dem Familien-Zoff?
Dass Mesut unter der schwierigen Situation zu leiden scheint, fällt auch Außenstehenden auf. Beim 'Laureus Medien Award' in Berlin machte er auf Moderatorin Christina Ringer einen eher unglücklichen Eindruck: "Er hatte fast die ganze Veranstaltung über nur einen Gesichtsausdruck: nachdenklich, in sich gekehrt und sehr konzentriert", erklärte Ringer einem RTL-Reporter.
Dabei hatte der Fußball-Profi allen Grund zu Freude. An diesem Abend wurde er mit dem Ehrenpreis für sein soziales Engagement ausgezeichnet. Man kann nur hoffen, dass Mesut neben dem beruflichen Erfolg auch bald das private Glück wiederfindet.
Mourinho defended against his father Mandy CapristoMesut Ozil on the ' Laureus Media Award' in BerlinMourinho defended Mandy Capristo: "No blame has you"The differences between football star Mesut Özil and his father seem to harden. After Mustafa Özil last had blamed Mandy Capristo for the broken father/son relationship, Maharaj said now to the accusations against his ex-girlfriend."Mandy's not fault at fault with my father. "She has this zero point zero to do", is the 26-year-old by ' image ' cited. Thus arises very clearly protecting against his former partner Mesut and conflicts with his father at the same time.How much suffering the families Zoff Mesut?That Mesut suffer seems to see the difficult situation, striking also outsiders. When the ' Laureus Media Award' in Berlin he made on presenter Christina ringer a rather unfortunate impression: "he had almost the whole event only a facial expression: thoughtful, introspective and very focused", wrestler told a RTL reporter.The footballer had every reason to delight. This evening, he was awarded with the honorary award for his social commitment. One can only hope that Mesut soon finds the private happiness in addition to career success.

Mesut Ozil Mandy Capristo defended against his father
Mesut Ozil on the 'Laureus Media Award' in Berlin
Mesut Ozil defends Mandy Capristo: "She has no guilt"
the differences between football-star Mesut Ozil and his father seem to harden. After Mustafa Ozil last Mandy Capristo Sohn-Verhaltnis responsible for the parent had made,Mesut has expressed to the allegations against his ex-girlfriend .
"Mandy at the break with my Father not to blame. In doing so, the company has to do nullkommanull", the 26-year-old from 'Image' quoted. In this way, Mesut clearly protective in front of his former spouse and contradiction as his father.
Familien-Zoff very suffers from Mesut under the ?
That Mesut under the difficult situation seems to suffer falls outside. When 'Laureus Media Award' in Berlin made it to moderator Christina Ringer a rather unfortunate impression: "He had almost the whole event only an expression on her face: thoughtfully, in thought and in a very focused," said Ringer an RTL-reporter.
It was the football-Profi all cause of joy. This evening he was awarded the prize for his social commitment. One can only hope that Mesut next to the professional success soon finds the private happiness.