Bei allem Respekt…
Man sagt doch nicht vor zwei Wochen (Kufri 03 Abgabe), der Markt verdoppelt sich, um dann heute zu verlautbaren, der Markt schrumpft um 30%. Diese Aussage kommt vom E3 Vertrieb!?!
Anyway, bisher liegt nur Januar vor. Da CNY dieses Mal sehr spaet war, laesst sich aus meiner Sicht eine solche Aussage nicht ableiten. So was ginge fruehestens mit Daten aus dem Maerz.
Ausserdem hatten wir im letzten Jahr im gleichen Zeitraum argumentiert, dass viele Euro3 Fahrzeuge zugelassen werden mussten (Bsp. Isuzu Pumpen, ist in den Unterlagen Market Visit Schneider in Q1/2014 so dokumentiert…).
Dass dieser Effekt natuerlich nun nicht mehr da ist, liegt doch auf der Hand.
Aber nun ja, ist wahrscheinlich nur meine starre Denkweise….basteln wir halt etwas zusammen. Ich guck mal in den Kaffeesatz…;)
With all due respect...They say not two weeks ago (Kufri 03 levy), the market doubled to to announce today, the market is shrinking by 30%. This statement comes from the E3 sales!Anyway, so far is only January. Since CNY of this time was very late, such a statement can be in my view cannot be derived. So what would go with data from March at the earliest.Also we had argued last year in the same period that many Euro3 had to be admitted vehicles (E.g. Isuzu is so documented pumps, in the documents market visit Schneider in Q1/2014...). That this effect is now no longer there of course, is obvious.But well, we is probably just my rigid Denkweise...basteln just something. I see in the coffee grounds...;)

With all due respect ... It does not say two weeks ago (03 Kufri delivery), the market doubled, only to announce today, the market shrinks by 30%. This statement comes from the E3 sales!?! Anyway, so far, just before January. Since CNY this time was very late, such a statement is possible to derive not from my point of view. So what would earliest with data from March. We also had argued last year in the same period that many Euro3 vehicles had to be admitted (Ex. Isuzu pump is documented in the documentation Market Visit Schneider in Q1 / 2014 so ...). that this effect is of course no longer is there is quite obvious. But well, probably just my rigid way of thinking ... we .basteln hold something together. I just look in the coffee grounds ...;)

With all respect…
Man does not say nevertheless two weeks ago (Kufri 03 delivery), the market doubles yourselves, in order to announce then today, the market shrinks around 30%. This statement comes from the E3 distribution!?!
Anyway, so far only January is present. Since CNY was very late this time, from my point of view such a statement does not let itself derive. Something like that would go at the earliest with data out of the Maerz.
In addition we had argued in the last year in the same period that many Euro3 had to become certified vehicles (ex. Isuzu Pumpen, is so documented in the documents Market Visit cutter in Q1/2014…).
Dass this effect is naturally now no longer there, lies nevertheless on the Hand.
Aber now yes, is probably only my rigid way of thinking….we tinker stop somewhat together.I look times into the coffee grounds…;)