97on DHL erhalte ich die Nachricht, dass das Paket zurück zum Hauptzollamt gegeben wird, da SIE die Zollpapiere nicht richtig erstellt haben. Bis ich das Paket bekomme, können jetzt nochamls 2 Wochen vergehen. Ich hatte beim Kauf angefragt, ob die Lieferung innerhalb von drei Wochen an mich erfolgt, und auf dieser Basis den Kauf vorgenommen. Siehe Ihnen vorliegende Nachrichten. Jetzt sind 4 Wochen vergangen, und ich habe nichts, außer leeren Worten von Ihnen. Da SIE fortan in Verzug sind, fordere ich Sie hiermit auf, den am 13.02.13 per PayPal an SIE bezahlten Betrag in Höhe von Euro 97,00 sofort, spätestens bis zum 15.03.2013, meinem PayPal-Konto gutzuschreiben. Sollten Sie dieser Aufforderung nicht nachkommen, werde ich sowohl ebay als auch PayPal einschalten und dort Ihr Verhalten schildern und reklamieren. Im übrigen: Lassen Sie diese unverschämten, vertraulichen Anreden wie: Meine Liebe oder mein Freund. Ich bin weder Ihre Liebe noch Ihr Freund. Handeln Sie endlich und schreiben Sie wenigstens den in Rede stehenden Betrag in Höhe von Euro 97,00 meinem Ihnen bekonnten PayPal-Konto termingerecht gut. MFG.
97on dhl I get the message that the packet is returned to the main Customs Office, as they have not really created customs papers. until I get the package, you can now pass nochamls 2 weeks. I had inquired at the sale, if the delivery takes place within three weeks of me, and on this basis, the purchase made. see them this news.4 weeks have passed now, and I have nothing. except empty answer from them since they are now in default, I'll ask them herewith, on the 13.02.13 via paypal amount paid to them in the amount of € 97.00 immediately, latest by 15.03.2013 to credit my paypal account. should they fail to meet this prompt,I will turn on both ebay and paypal and claim there describe their behavior and. the rest: let this outrageous, confidential address, such as: my love and my friend. I'm neither her love nor her boyfriend. they finally act and write them at least and were talking amount totaling € 97.00 bekonnten them my paypal account on time well.

I get the message that the package is returned to the main customs office, because they have not correctly created the customs documents 97on DHL. Until I get the package, now nochamls 2 weeks can elapse. I had requested at the time of purchase whether delivered three weeks to me, and made the purchase on this basis. You see this message. Now 4 weeks have passed, and I have nothing but empty words from you. Since they are now in arrears, I urge you hereby, to the amount of EUR 97,00 immediately, at the latest up to the 15.03.2013, be credited to my PayPal account 13.02.13 PayPal paid them. Should not come to this call, will I both turn as also PayPal on ebay and there to describe your behavior and complain about. In addition: Let this outrageous, sensitive speeches on how: my love or my friend. I am not your love or your friend. Be finally and write at least amount in question amounting to euro 97,00 my you be PayPal account could schedule well. MFG.

97On DHL do I get the message that the package is given back to Hauptzollamt, since the papers you have not created properly. Until I get the package, you can now copied again, 2 Weeks pass. I had requested at the time of purchase, whether the delivery within three weeks of me, and on this basis the purchase made. See you this news.Now, 4 weeks have passed, and I have nothing except empty words from you. Since you are in default from now on, I urge you to the PayPal on 02.13.13 amount paid to you in the amount of Euro 97.00 immediately, at the latest by 03.15.2013 , my pay Pal-Konto shall be credited. If you do not respond to this prompt,I will both turn on ebay as well as PayPal and your behavior signs there and complain. In the other: Leave this outrageous, confidential newsletters such as: My Love or my friend. I am neither their love is still your friend. Finally, and you act you write at least the amount in question in the amount of Euro 97.00 my you bekonnten Pay Pal-Konto well on schedule.Mfg.