6.1 Einstellwerte für die Hinterachse:
alt: -1, 73° Sturz bei -9mm Fahrzeugniveau
neu: -2, 03° Sturz bei -9mm Fahrzeugniveau
6.4 Niveauabhängige Bewertung der Achskennwerte Hinterachse:
alt: Sturz (max/ min) = + / -0, 5 -1, 5-5, 0E-0, 5 x d2 + 0, 0259 x d [Grad]
neu: Sturz (max/ min) = + / -0, 5 -1, 8-5, 0E-0, 5 x d2 + 0, 0259 x d [Grad
6.1 setting values for the rear axle:old: 1, 73° fall - 9 mm ride heightNew: 2, 03° fall - 9 mm ride height6.4 Niveauabhängige assessment of the axis values rear axle:old: Inclination (max / min) = + / - 0, 5-1, 5-5, 0E-0, 5 x d2 + 0, 0259 x d [degrees]New: Inclination (max / min) = + / - 0, 5-1, 8-5, 0E-0, 5 x d2 + 0, 0259 x d [degree

6.1 Setting values for the rear axle:
old: -1, 73 ° camber at ride height -9mm
new: -2, 03 ° camber at ride height -9mm
6.4 Level dependent evaluation of Achskennwerte rear axle:
old: fall (max / min) = + / -0 , 5 -1, 5-5, 0E-0, 5 x d2 + 0, 0259 xD [degree]
new: fall (max / min) = + / -0, 5 -1, 8-5, 0E-0, 5 x d2 + 0, 0259 xD [degrees

6.1 Settings for the rear axle:
alt: -1, 73 degrees fall in -9mm ride height
New: -2, -9mm 03° fall in vehicle
6.4 rear axle axle parameters offer automotive developers Niveauabhangige assessment of:
alt: camber (max/min) = / -0, 5-1, 5-5, 0E-0, 5 x d2 0, 0259 x d [degrees]
New: fall (max/min) = / -0, 5-1, 8-5, 0E-0, 5 x d2 0, 0259 x d [degrees