1992 Karel Palla shall take up its duties as a Hotelier (sole proprietorship) on
2001 launching of the manufacture of the sample company from Quarzkompositstein Technistone
2004 for conversion of the company with two shareholders in MosaicTech GmbH (Karel Palla jun. and Ing. Karel Palla sen. ),In addition to the production of the small formats sample manufacture also grows from Quarzkompositstein and marble (mosaics, borders, etc. )
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2006 addressing the production of the kitchen countertops and other people work from nature and Quarzkompositstein Großformatbelagplatten, addressing the production of the technology for the reconstruction of the Badezimmerkerne with Technistone light®
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2012 Investment in production, such as equipped with a CNC milling center
2014 Establishment of a sister company MosaicSolid for distribution and processing of the Kunststeins, dissemination of the materials processed in order Großformatkeramik.