Das Meßsystem muß bei besonderen oder funktionskritischen Merkmalen eine Auflösung von max. 5% der Gesamttoleranz haben, um Meßwerte sicher ermitteln und ablesen zu können. Als Richtwert sind 2% anzustreben.
The measuring system must have a resolution of up to 5% of total tolerance for special or function-critical characteristics to safely identify and read measured values. As a guide, 2% are aiming for.
The measuring system has a resolution of max for special or functionally critical features. 5% of the total tolerance have to be able to identify and read values safely. As a guideline, 2% are desirable.
The measuring system must have with special or function-critical characteristics a dissolution of max. 5% of the total tolerance, in order measured values surely determine and to read off be able. As indication 2% are to be aimed at.