HIIT steht für High Intensive Interval Training und ist ein intervallbasiertes Ausdauertraining mit Ganzkörperbelastung.
HIIT besteht aus einer Abfolge von kurzen, aber sehr intensiven Übungen (Belastung) sowie einer aktiven Regenerationszeit (Pause), wobei der ganze Körper beansprucht und nur das eigene Körpergewicht benutzt wird.
Muskeln werden somit nicht einzeln, sondern immer im natürlichen Zusammenspiel trainiert.
Die Übungen werden größtenteils nach der Tabata-Methode durchgeführt (20 Sekunden Belastung, 10 Sekunden Pause) und können je nach Trainingsstand individuell variiert werden.
HIIT ist sowohl für Einsteiger, als auch für bereits gut Trainierte geeignet, wobei eine Grundkondition Voraussetzung ist.
Abgerundet wird das HIIT-Training durch eine Kräftigung ausgewählter, stetig wechselnder Muskelgruppen mit Kleingeräten wie Hanteln.
Wer Spaß an Bewegung hat, seine Ausdauer verbessern will, mit einem effektiven Ganzkörpertraining alle Muskeln stärken und dabei möglichst viel Fett verbrennen möchte, ist bei HIIT genau richtig!
HIIT stands for high intense interval training and is an interval-based cardio with full body loads. HIIT consists of a sequence of short, but very intensive exercises (load) as well as an active regeneration time (pause) claimed the whole body and using only their own body weight.Muscles are trained in natural interaction thus not individually, but always. The exercises carried out largely by the Tabata method (load of 20 seconds, 10 second pause) and can be varied individually according to the training level.HIIT is suitable for beginners as well as for already well-trained, with a basic level of fitness is required.The HIIT training is completed by a strengthening of selected, steadily alternating muscle groups with small equipment such as dumbbells.Who has fun in movement, wants to improve his endurance, with an effective total body workout, all muscles would like to strengthen and thereby burn as much fat, is just right for HIIT!

HIIT stands for High Intense Interval Training and is an interval-based cardio with Full load.
HIIT consists of a sequence of short, but very intense exercises (load) as well as an active recovery time (pause), the whole body claimed and used only your own body weight is .
muscles are therefore not individually but always trained in natural interaction.
the exercises are mostly after the Tabata method performed (20 seconds exposure, rest 10 seconds) and can be individually varied depending on the level of training.
HIIT is for beginners, as well as for already well suited Trained, a basic condition is a prerequisite.
Rounding out the HIIT training is a strengthening of selected, constantly alternating muscle groups with small equipment like dumbbells.
wants to improve Those who enjoy movement, his stamina, strengthen with an effective total body workout all muscles and should like to burn as much fat, is the right place for HIIT!

hiit stands for high intensive interval training and endurance training is a intervallbasiertes with ganzkörperbelastung.hiit consists of a sequence of brief but very intense exercise (stress) and active (break) slowly, with the whole body and its weight is only used.muscles will not individually, but always in the natural interaction of trained.the exercises are mostly after the tabata method carried out 20 seconds to load, 10 seconds break) and depending on the level of individual variation.hiit is suitable for beginners as well as for already well trained capable of taking an activity condition.it is rounded hiit training through a strengthening of selected muscle groups with small equipment, constantly changing as weights.who"s fun to movement, to improve his stamina, with an effective total body all muscle strengths and, where possible, a lot of fat burning is, in hiit exactly right!