SLOTTED RUBBER SPACER SET AS AN IMMEDIATE MEASURE ON THE TWO MOUNTED HR BRAKE LINES ARE DUE TO THE DISMANTLING OF THE UNDERBODY PROTECTION PANEL AT THE ALMERIA STONE IMPACT TEST. AS SOON AS THE REINFORCED UBV USES GUMM IS ELIMINATEDCOMPONENTS ARE FUNKTIONSFSlotted rubber spacer should HR brake lines as an immediate measure to the twobe mounted due to the busting of the underbody protection Panel at the AlmeriaStone chipping test. As soon as the reinforced UBV uses Gummi.AEHIG, KUNDENTAUGLICH, and may IN the vehicles is eliminated. REMAIN; ET-BEING NOT AFFECTED.Components are functional, customer-ready and can in the vehicle.remain; ET-being not affected.