Anlage 1 Schematische Darstellung der Versuchsanlage
Anlage 2 3D- Darstellung der Versuchsanlage
Anlage 3 Arbeitsbericht und Fortsetzungsantrag vom 2010 (ohne Anlagen)
Anlage 4 Beispiel-Ergebnisse zum Einfluss des Gasdruckes auf die effective Wärmeleitfähigkeit
Anlage 5 K. Raed, U. Gross: Review on Gas Thermal Conductivity in Porous Materials and Knudsen Effect in Thermal Conductivity 29, DEStech Publ., Lancester, Pennsylvania, USA, 2008, 357-373
Anlage 6 K. Raed, U. Gross: Modeling of Influence of Gas Atmosphere and Pore- Size Distribution on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Knudsen and Non-Knudsen Porous Materials. Int. J. hermophysics 30, 2009, 1343-1356 Separat
Anlage 7 K. Raed, Investigation of Knudsen and Gas-Atmosphere Effects on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Porous Media, Dissertation, TU Bergakademie Freiberg 2013
Appendix 1 schematic representation of the test facilityAppendix 2 3D representation of the test facilityAppendix 3 reporting work and continued application of 2010 (without attachments)Appendix 4 sample results to the influence of gas pressure on the effective thermal conductivityAppendix 5 k Raed, including large: Review on gas thermal conductivity in porous materials and Knudsen effect in thermal conductivity 29, DEStech Publ., Lance, Pennsylvania, United States, 2008, 357-373Annex 6 K. Raed, including large: Modeling of influence of the gas atmosphere and pore - size distribution on the effective thermal conductivity of Knudsen and non-Knudsen porous material. Int. J. hermophysics 30, 2009, 1343-1356 separatelyAnnex 7 K. Raed, investigation of Knudsen and gas-atmosphere effects on effective thermal conductivity of porous media, doctoral thesis, TU Bergakademie Freiberg 2013

Appendix 1 Schematic diagram of the pilot plant
system 2 3D representation of the pilot plant
facility 3 work report and continued application of the 2010 (without attachments)
Appendix 4 sample results on the influence of the gas pressure on the effective thermal conductivity of
Appendix 5 K. Raed, U. Gross: Review on Gas thermal Conductivity in Porous Materials and Knudsen Effect in thermal Conductivity 29, DEStech Publ, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, 2008 357-373.
Appendix 6 K. Raed, U. Gross: Modeling of Influence of gas Atmosphere and Pore Size distribution on the Effective thermal Conductivity of Knudsen and Knudsen non-Porous Materials. Int. J. hermophysics 30, 2009 1343-1356 Separately
Appendix 7 K. Raed, Investigation of Knudsen and gas Atmosphere Effects on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Porous Media, Dissertation, University of Freiberg in 2013