Laufschiene kürzen um ca. 2 mm an beiden Enden. - Laufschiene ist dadurch vollständig in Hauptentformungsrichtung und auch einen Schieber kann verzichtet werden. - Dadurch ergeben sich keine Nachteile bei der Führung des GHV in der Laufschiene.
Track cut to approx. 2 mm at both ends. -track is thus complete in main direction of pull and also a slider can be dispensed with. -thereby arise no disadvantages for the leadership of the GHV in the track.
Running rail reduced by about 2 mm at both ends. - running rail is thus completely in main demolding and also a slide may be omitted. - This no disadvantages in the management of GHV arise in the running rail.
Rail no disadvantages shorten in the case of the guidance of the GHV in the rail around approx. 2 mm at both Enden. rail are thereby completely into main releasing from form direction and also a slidegate valve can done without werden. thereby arise.