8 / 1998-5/2000Housofficer (AiP) for internal medicine at the Ysbity Gwynedd hospital, Bangor, Wales, UK(Teaching hospital University Cardiff) and AiP in surgery University HospitalEppendorf, Hamburg5 and11/1999Research stays: Institute of anthropology and human genetics, LMU Munich,AG Dr. M. j. memory (Director: Prof. Dr. med.) T. Cremer)05 / 2000-12/2004PostDoc at the Institute of Immunology, LMU Munich, Germany, working groupChristoph Klein (Director: Prof. G. Riethmüller). Hard punk theme: MolecularCharacterization of disseminated tumor cells, genetics ofTumorzelldisseminierung and metastasis1 / 2003-12/2004DFG funding in the program "temporary positions for principal investigators' (STO464/1-1)Since 2004, researcher of Department of General, visceral and Pediatric Surgerythe University Hospital Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf (Director:)Prof. W.T. Kanchi); Establish its own working group with a focus on minimalresidual disease in gastrointestinal carcinomasSince 5/2005 head of the surgical research laboratory in the Department of General, visceral andPediatric Surgery of the University Hospital Düsseldorf, Director: Prof. W.T.. Joel)6 and 102007Research stays at the University of Regensburg, Department of Onokogenomik,(Director: Prof. Dr. Christoph Klein)