Zu meinem größten Bedauern muss ich Sie darüber informieren, das mein Mann,
† Harald Dedeleit
12.08.1968 – 28.12.2014
Was bleibt ist Liebe, Dankbarkeit und Erinnerung
am 28. Dezember 2014 überraschend verstorben ist. Die Trauerfeier fand am 06.02.2015, in Berlin- Steglitz (Friedhof Bergstraße), im engsten Kreise der Familie und Freunde statt.
Bedauerlicherweise ist es mir unter den gegebenen Umständen nicht möglich, die Weiterführung des Betriebes aufrecht zu erhalten. Die Produktion, als auch das Unternehmen Dedeleit Diamantwerkzeuge, werden zum 28.02.2015 eingestellt.
An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich für Ihre langjährige Zusammenarbeit und Ihr entgegengebrachtes Vertrauen ausdrücklich bedanken. Es hat mich sehr gefreut, mit vielen von Ihnen persönliche Bekanntschaft gemacht zu haben.
Ich wünsche Ihnen, Ihren Familien und dem Unternehmen alles Gute, Gesundheit und viel Erfolg.
In tiefer Trauer,
Bettina Dedeleit
(Dedeleit Diamantwerkzeuge, Haynauer Str. 53, 12249
To my greatest regret, I must inform you the my husband,. – Harald Dedeleit 12.08.1968-28.12.2014 What remains is love, gratitude and remembranceis surprisingly died on December 28, 2014. The funeral was at the 06.02.2015 in Berlin-Steglitz (Cemetery Hill Road), held in the closest circle of family and friends.Unfortunately, it is not possible to maintain the continuation of the operation me under the circumstances. The production, as well as the company Dedeleit diamond tools, be set to the 28.02.2015.At this point I would like to thank for your long-term cooperation and your confidence. It is nice to have made personal acquaintance with many of you.I wish you, your families and the company all the best, health and good luck.In deep mourning,.Bettina Dedeleit(Dedeleit diamond tools, Haynauer str. 53, 12249

To my great regret that I must inform you that my husband, † Harald Dedeleit 08/12/1968 - 12/28/2014 What remains is love, gratitude and remembrance on December 28, 2014, died unexpectedly. The funeral took place on 02.06.2015, in Berlin Steglitz (cemetery mountain road), in the narrow circle of family and friends instead. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me under the circumstances to maintain the continuance of upright. The production, as well as the company Dedeleit diamond tools, are set to 28.02.2015. At this point I would like to express my gratitude for your long-term cooperation and your confidence. It made me very happy to have done with many of you personal acquaintance. I wish you, your families and the company all the best, health and success. In deep mourning, Bettina Dedeleit (Dedeleit diamond tools, Haynauer Str. 53, 12249

To my largest regret I must inform you about it, that my man,
† Harald Dedeleit
12.08.1968 – 28.12.2014
which remains is love, gratitude and Erinnerung
am died 28 December 2014 surprisingly. The funeral service found to 06.02.2015, in Berlin Steglitz (cemetery mountain roads), in closest circles of the family and friends statt.
Regrettably it is not possible for me under the given circumstances to receive the continuation of the enterprise upright. Production, and the enterprise Dedeleit of diamond tools, will to 28.02.2015 eingestellt.
An this place would like I for your co-operation of many years and your brought confidence expressly to thank you. It made me happy very much,with many mourning deep of you personal acquaintance made too haben.
Ich wishes all property, health and much Erfolg.
Bettina Dedeleit you, your families and the enterprise
(Dedeleit of diamond tools, Haynauer STR. 53, 12249