since our founding in 1969, has changed a lot.
a is, however, always remained the same: "our commitment to quality. here you will find a brief overview of our history:
1. february 1969: establishment of the fa. peter hannak in the brennergasse in vienna 23
1. august 1971: was conducted in the gregorygasse 1
1995:initially, the company was a company a ges. m.b.h., mr. peter hannak sr. as president.
1996: above was also one of the co founders of the point's austria headquartered in salzburg.
1998: major renovation, construction of the new assembly building and renovation of the entire building
in 2002. after the retirement of hr. peter hannak. acquisitions hr. peter hannak jun.and mrs. gabriela strasek the joint management of the company.
2011: lack of space was built a new warehouse.
also, since january 2011, our customers in addition to servicing the
§57a review your vehicle run.
in 2012, our offer with the ladebordwandüberprüfung expanded.
since 2013, we offer professional indoor and outdoor cleaning and lackaufbereitung.
since 2014, we have our operation to the container body and paint shop expanded.