M274 276 OM651 654 642 Red.Lüfterleistung auf 600W
current status *
M274 (155KW beim X253,180KW), M276, OM651 (150 kW beim X253), OM654 (170 kW), OM642 sind mit 850W-Lüfter ausgerüstet M274 (155KW for X253,180KW), M276, OM651 (150 kW for X253), OM654 (170 kW), OM642 are equiped with 850W fan
Brief description of complete solution *
Für die oben genannten Motorvarianten ohne Anhängevorrichtung ist der 600W-Lüfter ausreichend (Kostenreduktionspotential) For the engine variants without coupling device mentioned above a 600W fan can be used (potential for cost reduction)
M274 276 OM651 654 642 red fan power on 600W Descriptioncurrent status *. M274 (155KW x 253, 180KW), M276, OM651 (150 kW x 253), OM654 (170 kW), OM642 are equipped with 850W-Lüfter M274 (155KW for X 253, 180KW), M276, OM651 (150 kW for X 253), OM654 (170 kW), OM642 are equiped with 850W fan Letter description of complete solution *. The 600W-Lüfter (cost reduction potential) is sufficient for the above mentioned engine variants without hitch For the engine standard without coupling device mentioned above a 600W fan can be used (potential for cost reduction)

m274 276 om651 654 642 red.lüfterleistung on 600wdescriptioncurrent status of *m274 (155kw in x253180kw), m276, om651 (150 kw, the x253), om654 (170 kw), om642 with 850w fan equipped < e > m274 (155kw for x253180kw), m276, om651 (150 kw for x253), om654 (170 kw), om642 are equiped with 850w fanletter description of complete solution.for the above motorvarianten without coupling device is 600w fan sufficient (kostenreduktionspotential) < e > for the engine variants without coupling device mentioned above a 600w fan can be used (the potential for cost reduction)