Hello together,
folgendes update after that very much sobering up TelCo this morning:
MPC business:
Q1 a goal for March = 157 Eh. (including catching up January and February residuals)
Erwartung: 50 Eh.
Folgende change has itself ggü. the Forecast of 100 Eh. from last week show:
Deppon: 30 instead of 41 (11 Eh. only in April decreasing)
Power star:0 instead of 25 power star has a basic agreement over 200 Eh. in 2 years finally, delivery starts however only starting from Q2 and Q3
Wah Strategy: 11 instead of 25
Beijing YHX: 4
Shell: 0 instead of 8 Tenderprocess is verzögert
Sonstige: 5
Heißt we have a risk MPC Q1 of 107 Eh.
Absatz Q1 become in sum 57 Eh. its (target 2015 = 1,450 Eh.)
Q1 a goal for March = 122 Eh.
Erwartung:60 Eh.
Folgende changes:
XCMG does not take the 19 pumps ab-> to XCMG just 5 pumps in the last month sold!
XCMG Firefighting 13 Eh.: L/C can be opened at the earliest to in the middle of March too late for the Verschiffung
Kerui Oilfield 12 Eh: Customer opens L/C nicht.
5 Eh. betroffen
13 Eh are of the production delay.cannot be shipped because of missing Tax Free of certificates (already last week addressed).
Heißt we have a risk for the direct business Q1 of 62 Eh.
Absatz direct business Q1 becomes in sum 137 Eh. its (target 2015 = 1,700 Eh.)
Gesamtrisikoeinschätzung MPC & direct business for Q1 on Kufri 2: 169 Eh.
Absatz Q1 194 Eh become in sum. its (target 2015 = 3,150 Eh.)