das Indefinitpronomen: Indefinitpronomen verweisen auf Lebewesen, Gegenstände oder Sachverhalte, die unbestimmt sind. Sie werden verwendet, wenn man nicht weiß oder nicht sagen will, wer genau oder wie viele etwas machen.
the indefinite pronoun: Indefinite pronouns refer to living beings, objects or situations that are uncertain. They are used when you do not know or will not say who or how many do something exactly.
the indefinite pronoun: Indefinite pronouns refer to living beings, objects or facts that are indeterminate. They are used when you don't know or don't want to say who exactly or how many are doing something.
the indefinite pronoun: indefinite pronouns refer to living beings, objects or circumstances that are uncertain. They are used when you do not know or do not want to say who exactly or how many do something.<br>