Hallo, ich habe dieses gerät zu weihnachten verschenkt, doch leider läd es ununterbrochen, wird aber nicht voll, so dass man es benutzen könnte. bitte schicken sie mir ein neues im austasch zu. mfg müller
Hi, I have this device for Christmas giving away, but unfortunately invites it is continuous, but not full, so you could use it. Please send a new one in the restricting me.Mfg Müller
Hello, I have this unit for Christmas away, but unfortunately it invites continuously, but is not full, so you could use it. please send me a new one in austasch. mfg miller
Hello, I have this turns out to Christmas given away, but unfortunately load it continuously, does not become not full however, so that one could use it. ask send it to me a new in austasch zu. mfg Mueller