Hallo EdwardEndlich geht es weiter mit dem Vorster Stipendium. Fülle bitte das Formular aus und lege es mit deiner Unterschrift ins gelbe Postfach ‚Dekanat‘. GrüßeMaria Kliegel
Hello Edward <br>Finally it goes on with the Vorster scholarship. Please fill in the form and put it with your signature to the yellow mailbox deanery '. <br>Greetings <br>Maria Kliegel
Hello Edward<br>Finally we continue with the Vorster Scholarship. Please fill out the form and put it with your signature in the yellow mailbox 'Dean's Office'. <br>Greetings<br>Maria Kliegel
Hello, Edward.<br>Finally, we move on to the director's scholarship. Please fill out the form and sign it in the yellow box "Dean".<br>Greetings<br>Maria Kliegel.<br>