zurückkommend zu den Fokus Themen, die wir für Übersee noch in 2015 implementieren wollen, wäre es hilfreich, wenn wir uns die Heat Map von Sambale / Schneider noch einmal kurz vornehmen. Dort hatten wir versucht zu beschreiben wie der Idealvertrieb (in Überschriften) aussehen sollte und was in welchen Märkten bereits vorhanden ist.
Kannst du uns dieses Dokument bitte vor der TelCo schicken?
Idealerweise erarbeiten wir ein Master Dokument was wie folgt strukturiert wird:
1. Hintergrund, Zielbild
2. Status (Heat Map)
3. Fokus Themen 2015 inkl. unmissverständlicher Definition
4. Steckbriefe inkl. Status pro Markt, Roadmap für Implementierung
5. Verbindliche Zielvereinbarung für 2015 und 2016
Kannst du bitte für Top 3 bereits die verantwortlichen Bereiche (ND, AS und CW) bitten uns klare Definitionen / Anforderungen zukommen zulassen?
Wer bei dir kann ein Musterdokument für einen Markt als Entwurf zusammenfügen, so dass wir anschließend das finale Template an alle verantwortlichen Marktbetreuer und betroffenen GVs / MPCs schicken können?
Das kann auch gerne eine kleinere Gruppe von Personen sein? Vielleicht jemand von TE/Sxx und von DCAA?
coming back to the focus it would help topics that we want to implement for overseas in 2015, if we make the heat map by vinoth s / Schneider us again shortly. There, we had tried to describe the ideal distribution (in headings) should look like and what already exists in which markets. Can you please send this document us before the TelCo? Ideally, we develop a master document what is structured as follows: 1 background, target image 2. status (heat map) 3. focus topics 2015 incl. unambiguous definition 4. cards incl. status per market, roadmap for implementation 5. binding agreement on objectives for 2015 and 2016 Can you please 3 already the responsible area (ND, AS CW) for top us clear definitions / requirements come to admit? Who you can a model document for a market as a draft put together, so that we then the final template to all responsible market maintainers and affected GVs / MPCs can send? Can this be also a smaller group of people? Maybe someone from TE/Sxx and DCAA?
returning to the focus topics, which we want to implement for overseas still in 2015, it would be helpful, if we plan the Heat map of Sambale/cutters again briefly. There we had to describe tried like ideal distribution (in headings) to look should and which in which markets is already present.
Kannst does you us this document please before the TelCo send?
Ideally we compile a master document which are as follows structured:
1. background, goal picture
2. status (Heat map)
3. focus topics 2015 inclusive unmistakable definition
4. of warrants of apprehension inclusive status per market, roadmap for implementation
5. obligatory goal agreement for 2015 and 2016
Kannst you please for Top 3 already the responsible persons of ranges (lp,AS and CW) ask us clear definitions/requirements come permit? more
Wer with you a sample document for a market than draft can join, so that we know afterwards the final Template to all responsible persons market responsible persons and GVs/MPCs concerned fancy?
Das also gladly a smaller group of people can be? Perhaps someone of TE/Sxx and of DCAA?