Eine Versandadresse auswählen
Geben Sie den Namen und die Adresse ein, an die Ihre Bestellung geschickt werden soll. Bitte geben Sie auch an, ob Ihre Rechnungsadresse und Versandadresse gleich sind. Wenn Sie fertig sind, klicken Sie auf den Button "Weiter". Wenn Sie Artikel an mehr als eine Adresse versenden, klicken Sie auf den Button "Eine neue Adresse eingeben", um weitere Adressen hinzuzufügen.
Bitte beachten Sie: Wenn Sie auf Rechnung zahlen, müssen Sie Ihre Privatadresse als Liefer- und Rechnungsadresse verwenden. Die Zahlung auf Rechnung ist mit einigen Einschränkungen gegenüber den Zahlungsmitteln Kreditkarte oder Bankeinzug verbunden und nur für Lieferadressen innerhalb Deutschlands möglich.
Wichtiger Hinweis: Für Neukunden besteht eine Höchstgrenze von 100,00 EUR, bis zu welcher der Kauf auf Rechnung möglich ist. Diese Grenze gilt für das gesamte Kundenkonto und berücksichtigt auch noch offene Beträge aus früheren Rechnungsbestellungen. Wir behalten uns somit das Recht vor, die Zahlungsweise Rechnung für bestimmte Bestellungen nicht zu akzeptieren und Sie stattdessen auf unsere weiteren Zahlungsarten Zahlung mit Kreditkarte oder Bankeinzug zu verweisen.
Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis für diese Einschränkung in Verbindung mit der Zahlung auf Rechnung, für uneingeschränktes Einkaufsvergnügen empfehlen wir Ihnen die Bezahlung per Kreditkarte.
Select a shipping addressEnter the name and the address to which your order is to be sent. Please indicate also, if your billing address and shipping address are the same. When you are finished, click on the button "Continue". When you ship items to more than one address, click "Enter a new address" to add more addresses on the button.Please note: when paying on invoice, you must use your home address as delivery and billing address. The payment on account is connected and only available for delivery addresses within Germany with some limitations compared to the cash credit card or direct debit.Important note: for new customers is a maximum limit of 100.00 EUR within which it is possible to buy on invoice. This limit applies to the entire customer account and takes into account also outstanding amounts from previous court orders. We reserve therefore the right, accounting for specific orders not to accept the payment and instead to refer our other methods of payment payment with credit card or direct debit.We ask for your understanding for this limitation in connection with the payment on account, unlimited shopping pleasure we recommend payment by credit card.

Choose a shipping address Enter the name and the address to which your order should be sent. Please also indicate whether your billing address and shipping address are the same. When you are done, click on the "Next" button. If you send products to more than one address, click on the button "A new address" to add more addresses. Please note: If you pay on account, you must use your home address as a shipping and billing address. The payment on account is associated with some limitations compared with the cash credit or debit card and only for delivery addresses within Germany available. Important note: For new customers, there is a maximum limit of 100,00 EUR up to which the purchase on invoice is possible. This limit applies to the entire customer and also takes into account outstanding amounts from previous financial orders. We therefore reserve the right not to accept the payment invoice for certain orders and to refer instead to our other payment methods Payment by credit card or debit card. We ask for your understanding for this limitation in connection with the payment on account, for unlimited We recommend shopping pleasure you the payment by credit card.

Select a shipping address
enter the name and the address to which your order will be sent. Please specify whether your billing address and shipping address are the same. When you are finished, click the "Continue" button. If you article to more than one address, click on the button "Type a new address",To add more addresses.
Please Note: If you have opted to pay by invoice, you will need your home address as a shipping and billing address. The payment on account is with some limitations compared to the means of payment credit card or direct debit and is only possible for delivery addresses within Germany.
Important note:For new customers there is a ceiling of EUR 100.00, up to which the purchase invoice is possible. This limit applies to the entire account and also take into account outstanding amounts from previous Rechnungsbestellungen. We reserve the right,Do not take into account the method of payment for certain orders to accept and instead to other methods of payment payment by credit card or direct debit to refer.
we ask for your understanding for this limitation in connection with the payment on invoice, for convenient shopping we recommend payment by credit card.