Bei der manuellen Eingabe der Meßwerte in die qs-STAT®-Software spielt die Reihenfolge der Messungen eine untergeordnete Rolle. Es ist jedoch darauf zu achten, daß die Wiederholmessung sich nicht unmittelbar an die erste Messung anschließt.
Manual input of measured values in the qs-STAT ® software plays a minor role the sequence of the measurements. It is however ensure that the repeat measurement not immediately adjacent to the first measurement.
When manually entering the values in the qs-STAT ® software, the order of the measurements plays a subordinate role. However, it is important to ensure that the repeat measurement does not follow on directly from the first measurement.
With the manual entry of the measured values into the QA-STAT®-software the sequence of the measurements plays a subordinated role. It is to be made certain however that the repetition measurement does not follow directly the first measurement.