Ozisto": Liebescomeback bei Mesut Özil und Mandy Capristo
Laut verschiedenen Medien gibt es das Liebescomeback zwischen Weltmeister Mesut Özil und Sängerin Mandy Capristo. Der Grund für Özils bärenstarke Leistungen in den vergangenen Spielen?
Mesut Özil mit seiner Mandy nach dem gewonnen WM-Finale. © imago/BPI
Mesut Özil mit seiner Mandy nach dem gewonnen WM-Finale.
Marvin Sonnemann
Mesut Özil (26), Fußball-Weltmeister, ist nach Informationen des Kölner Express wieder mit Ex-Freundin Mandy Capristo zusammen. Der Profi vom FC Arsenal und die ehemalige Monrose-Sängerin gehen seit Mitte Oktober offiziell getrennte Wege. Nun soll es ein Liebes-Comeback gegeben haben. "Sie waren ja nie richtig getrennt", sagte ein Freund Özils der Zeitung. Özil hat die Meldung bislang nicht bestätigt.
Glück in der Liebe - und endlich auch wieder im Spiel
„Ich bin ein Familienmensch – ich brauche die Leute, die ich liebe, um mich, damit ich mich richtig wohl fühlen kann“, sagt er.Und das kann man sehen. Am vergangenen Wochenende zeigte Özil beim 5:0 des FC Arsenal gegen Aston Villa eine bärenstarke Leistung, erzielte einen Treffer und legte einen weiteren auf. „Er ist außergewöhnlich“, lobte ihn sein Trainer Arsene Wenger nach dem Spiel.
Ozisto': love comeback at Chelsea and Mandy CapristoAccording to various media, there is the comeback of love between world champion Chelsea and singer Mandy Capristo. The reason for Cristiano increased services in the past games?Mesut Ozil with its Mandy won after the World Cup final. © imago/BPIMesut Ozil with its Mandy won after the World Cup final.Marvin SamuelMesut Özil (26), football world champion, is back with ex-girlfriend Mandy Capristo after information of the Cologne Express. The professional from FC arsenal and the former singer of Monrose go officially separate ways since mid-October. Now there should be a sweet comeback. "They were never really separated," said a friend of striker of the newspaper. Özil has so far not confirmed the message.Lucky in love - and finally also back in the gameHe says "I'm a family man – I need the people I love around me, so that I can feel right at home".And you can see it. Last weekend showed real Madrid 5-0 FC arsenal against Aston Villa a terrific performance, scoring a goal and put on another. "It is extraordinary," his coach Arsene Wenger praised him after the game.

Ozisto”: Love comeback with Mesut Özil and Mandy Capristo
Laut different media gives it the love comeback between world champions Mesut Özil and singer Mandy Capristo. The reason for Özils bear-strong achievements in the past plays?
Mesut Özil with its Mandy after won the WM-final. © imago/BPI
Mesut Özil with its Mandy after won the WM-Finale.
Marvin Sonnemann
Mesut Özil (26), football world champions, is together after information of the Cologne express again with ex-girlfriend Mandy Capristo. The professional of the FC arsenal and the former Monrose singer go since in the middle of October officially separated ways. Now it is to have given a love comeback. “You were never correctly separate”, said a friend Özils of the newspaper.Özil does not have the message so far bestätigt.
Glück in the love - and finally also again in the Spiel
„I am a family human being – I needs the people, which I love, around me, with it I to feel correctly well can “, says it. And one can see that. On the past weekend Özil showed a bear-strong achievement with the 5:0 of the FC arsenal against Aston Villa,obtained a hit and presented a further. „It is unusual “, praised it his coach Arsene Wenger after the play.