1 EG-VO 1334/2000 sind EVEen vorzulegen. Dies gilt nicht für Güter der Kategorie 0 des Anhangs I der EG-VO 1334/2000; hier besteht in der Regel keine Vorlagepflicht.
1 Council Regulation 1334/2000 shall be provided EVEen. This does not include the goodsCategory 0 of annex I of the EC Regulation 1334/2000; There is usually no obligation.
1 EC Regulation 1334/2000 shall be submitted to EUC. This does not apply to goods of Category 0 of Annex I of EC Regulation 1334/2000; here there is no obligation to submit to the rule.
1 ec regulation 1334 / 2000 eveen are present. this does not apply to goods ofcategory 0 of annex i of the ec regulation 1334 / 2000; this is generally not presented.