1 GB inkludiertes Datenvolumen pro Monat * Mit max.2 Mbit/s Download-Geschwindigkeit Keine Kosten nach Verbrauch des Datenvolumens Reduzierung auf maximal 64 kbit/s nach Überschreitung von 1 GB
INCLUDED data volume per month * max.2 with mbit / s download speed no cost to consumption of data volume reduction to a maximum 64 kbit / s after exceeding 1 gb
1 GB included data volume per month * with max. 2 Mbit / s download speed no cost according to the consumption volume of data reduction to a maximum of 64 kbit / s after exceeding the limit by 1 GB.
1 GB included data volumes per month * with 2 Mbit/s download speed no costs after consumption of the data volume reduction to a maximum of 64 kbit/s in excess of 1 GB