Research on management, learning about the use of if-else conditions in C to promote the analytical ability of 4th-year-old students, the Department of Electrical Education. With problem-based learning as a base, it is intended to <br><br>1) Design teaching activities using problems as a base For developing analytical thinking capabilities 2) Measure the ability to think about the use of if-else conditions in C language.<br><br>Examples used in the research include students in the Department of Electrical Education. In the fourth year, the Faculty of Industrial and Technology Studies, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi enrolled in IED313 in the 2nd semester of the 2019 academic year of 13 people. <br><br>The measurement instruments used in research include 1) The innovation used in research is a base-based teaching activity for developing analytical thinking capabilities, the use of if-else conditions in 2 languages. Use of if-else conditions in C <br><br>Statistics for data analysis include a percentage, average, 1). Created by the concepts of John Dewy (1993) and Delisle (1997). <br><br>(referred to in Pimjai Ketsom,2015) <br><br>The process of learning is step 1, defining the problem, step 2, understanding the problem. Step 3 Synthesizer Knowledge Stage 4 Evaluates Answer 2) Sample 70.00% ability to better evaluate analysis.