Es wurde eine Apparatur zur Messung der effektiven Wärmeleitfähigkeit bei Temperaturen bis zu 1000 °C und Drücken von 10-8 bis 10+2 bar entwickelt, konstruiert und gebaut. Diese extremen Anforderungen machten sehr umfangreiche und zeitintensive Berechnungen und Vorversuche erforderlich, die zu wesentlichen Änderungen und Erweiterungen gegenüber dem Vorentwurf (siehe Erstantrag) führten. Dazu gehören u.a. eine Vergrößerung der inneren Abmessungen (zur Unterbringung der Wärmedämmung), eine horizontale Teilung des Druckbehälters, Einbau zusätzlicher Schutzheizelemente, aufwändigere Gestaltung des Kühlmantels, Erhöhung der Zahl druckdichter Durchführungen u.a.m.
Dies hatte eine starke Kostenerhöhung für den Druckbehälter zur Folge, welche eine zusätzliche, zeitaufwändige Begutachtung erforderlich machte. Die Folge war eine Verschiebung der Terminkette:
It was an equipment developed for measuring the effective thermal conductivity for temperatures up to 1000 ° C and pressures of 10-8 up to 10 + 2 bar, designed and built. These extreme requirements necessitated extensive and time consuming calculations and preliminary tests that resulted in significant changes and enhancements compared to the preliminary draft (see initial application). These include including an increase in the internal dimensions (to accommodate the thermal insulation), a horizontal division of the pressure vessel, installation of additional protection heating elements, more elaborate design of the cooling jacket, increasing the number of pressure-tight feedthroughs and others.This had a strong cost increase for the pressure vessel resulted, which necessitated an additional, time-consuming review. The consequence was a shift of the appointment chain:

Bar was developed, designed and constructed up to 1000 ° C and pressures of 10-8 to 10 + 2, an apparatus for measuring the effective thermal conductivity at temperatures. These extreme demands made very extensive and time-consuming calculations and preliminary tests required that (see initial application) resulted in significant changes and extensions to the preliminary draft. These include an increase in the internal dimensions (for accommodating the insulation), a horizontal division of the pressure vessel, installation of additional protection heaters, elaborate design of the cooling jacket, increasing the number pressure-tight feed-throughs, etc.
This resulted in a strong increase in costs for the pressure vessel result which an additional , time-consuming evaluation necessitated. The result was a shift in the date range:

it was a device for measuring the effective thermal conductivity for temperatures up to 1000 degrees c and pressures of 10 - 8 to 10 + 2 bar have been developed, designed and built. these extreme requirements were very extensive and time-consuming calculations and preliminary tests needed with significant modifications and extensions to the preliminary draft (see initial application) led. these include an increase in the internal dimensions (to accommodate the insulation), a horizontal division of the vessel, the installation of additional schutzheizelemente, advanced design of the kühlmantels, increase the number of druckdichter bushings.there was a strong increase in the pressure vessels to follow, what additional time-consuming evaluation was needed. the result has been a shift in the terminkette: