Habe gerade in der Post die Info von TS zur aktuellen Absatzerwartung fuer Juni. Ihr kennt das grundsaetzlich: TS sieht ein Risiko von ueber 1000 E.; davon sind zwar 600 durch Produktionsthemen zu begruenden, aber unser Bestand ist ausreichend hoch, so dass dieses Argument sicher nicht zieht.
Ich bitte mir bis Dienstag darzulegen, welche Aktivitaeten Ihr ueber bereits veranlasste Massnahmen noch seht, um das Ziel zu packen. Dies geht vom Abverkauf ex Altbestand Woerth, ueber Focus auf den CHW Verkauf in den TS bis zur AKtivierung Jahresendmodus in allen Maerkten.
KO, hat bereits eine entsprechende Folie in den Flow fuer das PSF eingearbeitet. TS, koennen Sie mir bitte eine Folie machen, in der steht, was wir von den einzelnen Maerkten inkl. Used CHW, ABH, Flotte benoetigen?
Got the info from TS to the current expectations of sales volumes for June in the post. You know that basically: TS sees a risk of over 1000 E.; of 600 by production issues are justified, but our inventory is high enough so that this argument is certainly not going. I beg to present me until Tuesday, what kind of activities you still see on already initiated measures, to grab the target. This goes from the sales ex legacy Woerth, about focus on the CHW sale in the TS until year transmit mode activation in all markets. KO, has already incorporated a corresponding slide in the flow for the PSF. TS, can you do me please a foil in the stands, what we need from the various markets including used CHW, ABH, fleet?

Just in the mail the info from TS to the current sales target for June. You know that in principle: TS sees a risk of more than 1000 E. ; this are 600 by Produktionsthemen to blaming, but our inventory is sufficiently high, so that this argument is certainly not.
I please explain to me until Tuesday,What activities already initiated measures still see her about the goal to pack. This is the sale ex old Woerth, about focus on the CHW sale in the TS to activate Jahresendmodus in all markets.
KO, already has a corresponding slide incorporated in the flow for the PSF. TS, can you please give me a slide, in the stands,What we of the individual markets including Used CHW, depending on need, fleet?