Heizleiter Es werden Miniatur-Mantelheizleiter (Fa. Thermsys GmbH, Langenselbold) mit „kalten Enden“(reduzierter elektrischer Widerstand) verwendet. Der Mantel besteht, wie die Heizplatten, aus Inconel 600 und ist mechanisch und thermisch bis über 1000°C belastbar.
Heating wireThere are miniature mantle conductor (Thermsys Ltd., Langenselbold) with "cold ends"(reduzierter elektrischer Widerstand) used. The coat consists of inconel 600, as the heating plates and is up to about 1000 ° C mechanical and thermal loads.
Heating conductors are miniature jacket heating (Fa. Thermsys GmbH, Langenselbold) used with "cold ends" (reduced electrical resistance). The sheath is how the hot plates, made of Inconel 600 and is mechanically and thermally to over 1000 ° C load.
heizleiterthere are miniature mantelheizleiter (fa. thermsys gmbh, langenselbold) with cold end (reduced electrical resistance). the coat is, the hobs, inconel 600 and is mechanically and thermally, and over 1000 c resilient.