good day,thank you for your message to the verkäuferservice'm sorry for your transaction 306 - 8503593 - 3477159 to inconvenience.i was happy to me their concern at and have the following information for you.please contact the relevant members of the verkäuferleistung and the a to z into processed.ask the department to the withdrawal of the demerit points (500).i am happy to give you the contact details of the relevant division again:seller performance @ amazon.dei was happy to notify you.should you have any further questions, please open a new case on her verkäuferkonto.of course, my colleagues and i continue to concern at all for you!you can always write https: / / / gp / contact us / contact-amazon-form.htmli wish you a happy day, and a beautiful restwoche.your comments on our customer service is important to us!were you satisfied with the processing of your request.if so, click here.http: / / / gp / case dashboard / hmd-yes.html? p = xyxdbecu3684577957 & c = 1420613552click here for no:http: / / / gp / case dashboard / hmd-no.html? p = xyxdbecu3684577957 & c = 1420613552thank you very much!detailed information on the event can be found here: http: / / / gp / case dashboard / view-case.html / ref = sc _ cd _ lobby _ vc? caseid = 1420613552.please note: this e-mail was sent from an address, not for the reception of e-mail is set up. if you have any further questions? contact us directly via our contact form: https: / / / hz / contact usfriendly greetingsgabriele hate potthoffamazon verkäuferservice= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =