Die Rezepturen der verwendeten Materialien (Dekor, Polsterung, Träger) sind durch geeignete Versuche (z. B.: Torsionsschwingversuch nach DIN EN ISO 6721-2, IR-Spektroskopie) zu be- schreiben und erforderlichenfalls offen zu legen.
the formulations of the materials used (decor upholstery, vehicle) are trying through appropriate: describe, and when necessary to disclose (eg torsion pendulum to din en iso 6721-2, IR spectroscopy).
The recipes of the materials used (decor, upholstery) are by appropriate tests (such as: Torsionsschwingversuch according to DIN EN ISO 6721-2, IR spectroscopy) worked to write and, if necessary, disclose.
The recipes of the materials used (decor, upholstery, institution) are through the appropriate tests (e.g. : Torsionsschwingversuch according to DIN EN ISO 6721-2, IR-spectroscopy) to be open to write and, if necessary.