Die verwendeten Werkstoff-Familien (z. B.: Isocyanate, Polyole, Phthalate, Stearate aus Trenn- mitteln etc.) müssen für Volkswagen AG nachvollziehbar und identifizierbar sein.
the used material-families (eg: isocyanates, polyols, phthalate stearate, from separating agents, etc.) need for volkswagen ag be traceable and identifiable.
The used material families (for example: isocyanates, polyols, phthalates, stearate agents etc. from separating) must be identifiable and traceable for Volkswagen AG.
The used Werkstoff-Familien (e.g. : isocyanates, polyols, phthalates, stearates from separating resources etc. ) must understand for Volkswagen AG and identifiable.