air intake (w067)protocols (the last 2)[zeus: 1641032]anbindungspunkte luftansaugungskanal exported or too weak too much gamebr x / c253season 109.03.2016 opt. components in fzg used by faculty and positively evaluated.there is currently no date and kostenaussage possible, since the richtpreisangebot of supplier on 11.03.2016 exists.after the issue of the offer, the ec (9) on 17.03.2016 in äk om651 presented.17.02.2016 to optimise the complaint. noise, the following operations are on the affected components needed.the kaltluftansaugung rifle within the tolerancereduction of stanzlöchern the rohrluftansaugung for reduction of game in the x direction.measures (open)id measure responsible towvl: 23.03.2016rpvae:speaker:guests:andres, rd / pm1koeber, rd / fnkmoll, rd / fnknicklas, rd / levsoukup, rd / lcvmueller, rd / fnkdieringer, rd / levgiesen,1285 presentation of the beauftragungsstatus and einsatzterminschiene of opt. components. andressource: rotpunktverfolgung