National foreword
This document (EN 1369:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 190 “Foundry technology”
(Secretariat: DIN, Germany).
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Gießereiwesen (Foundry
Practice Standards Committee), Working Committee NA 036-00-03 AA Prüfverfahren für Gusswerkstoffe.
This standard differs from DIN EN 1369:1997-02 as follows:
a) normative and informative references have been updated;
b) Table 1 has been transferred to Annex B;
c) two new severity levels have been added in Table 2;
d) Annex A “Conversion of severity levels of linear (LM) and aligned (AM) indications” has been added;
e) a Bibliography has been added.
Previous editions