Willkommen in den Verein. Arab. Emiraten. Sie nutzen CallYa Roaming und zahlen für Anrufe nach Deutschland und vor Ort 4,32/min, für ankommende Anrufe 2,19/Min. SMS senden Sie Für 0,84/SMS
Welcome to the Club. Arab. Emirates. CallYa roam and pay for calls to Germany and on-site 4.32/min, for calls received 2.19/min. SMS you send for 0.84/SMS
Welcome to the club. Arab. Emirates. Use CallYa roaming and pay for calls to Germany and locally 4.32 / min for incoming calls 2.19 / min. SMS send For 0.84 / SMS
welcome to the club. arab. emirates. they use callya roaming and pay for calls to germany and locally 4.32 / min for calls received 2.19 / min. sms send to 0.84 / sms