Die Kontaktteile werden als Schüttgut im Plastikbeutel angeliefert. Die Zuführung erfolgt mit einer Fördereinheit bestehend aus Rund- und Linearförderer, sowie einem Vereinzeler. Das „Pick and Place“ Handling greift die Kontaktteile und setzt diese in die Rundtischaufnahme ein.
The contact parts are delivered in bulk in a plastic bag. The feeder is controlled with a support unit consisting of circular and linear conveyors, as well as a separator. The "pick and place" handling attacks the contact parts and inserts it in the round table.
The contact parts are delivered in bulk in a plastic bag. The feed is a feed unit consisting of circular and linear conveyors, and a Separator. The "Pick and Place" Handling engages the contact, and puts them into the round table recording.
the connecting pieces therefor as bulk material in plastic bags delivered. the introduction is a fördereinheit consisting of approximately and linearförderer, as well as a vereinzeler. the „pick and place handling attacks the connecting pieces therefor is that the rundtischaufnahme.