D marriage certificate / family card
(if the marriage / registration of partnership abroad took place, which are
- together with the visa application - original civil status papers on the appropriate Swiss
diplomatic mission to submit site and make, if necessary undergo a counterfeit check)
D PartnerschaftsvertragjBestãtigung on registration of the partnership
(if the was marriage / registration of partnership abroad, who are
together with the visa application - - Original civil status papers on the appropriate Swiss
diplomatic mission to submit site and make, if necessary undergo a counterfeit check)
D Birth certificates of children
was (falis of birth abroad, are the birth certificates - together with a visa application - on
submit spot the appropriate Swiss diplomatic mission and gegebenenfalis one
to leave undergo verification)
D copies of valid travel documents
D Confirmation custody (if the subsequent immigration by only an NEN parent carried 5011)
D agreement to ensure the child care (for time after a successful reunion in the