Aktuell werden je nach Rohbauaufbau (doppelte Bleche) und Fahrzeugaufbau zum Verschließen der Anbindungspunkte Kraftstofftank, SCR-Tank und Abgasanlage unterschiedliche Verschlussstopfen verwendet. Dies bedarf unterschiedlichen Werkzeugen in der Montage.
Currently (double sheet) and vehicle body are used depending on the shell structure different plugs to close the fuel tank connection points, SCR-tank and exhaust system. This requires different tools in the Assembly.
Currently (double sheets) and vehicle body for closing the connection points the fuel tank, SCR tank and exhaust system to use different sealing plugs depending on the shell structure. This requires different tools in the assembly.
At present, depending on Rohbauaufbau (double sheets) and vehicle fuel tank cap on the designated connection points, SCR-tank and exhaust system used different plugs. This requires different tools in the assembly.