Vereinheitlichung Bremsattel schraube Serie mit AMG Unterschiedliche Verwendung von Bremssattelschraúben in den BR212 und 218 in der Serie und AMG (Serie A1244210571; AMG A0189900001)
Unification Bremsattel screw series with AMGDifferent use of Calliper screws in the BR212 and 218 in the series and AMG (series A1244210571; AMG A0189900001)
Unification Bremsattel screw series with AMG Different using Bremssattelschraúben in the BR212 and 218 in the series and AMG (series A1244210571; A0189900001 AMG)
Unification caliper screw series with AMG different use of Bremssattelschraúben in the BR212 and 218 in the series and AMG (Series A1244210571; AMG A0189900001)