hatte nach unserer TelCo heute Morgen auch bereits mit Robert gesprochen, der nach seiner Rückkehr aus USA am Fr. nochmals sämtliche Kräfte mobilisieren wird, um das Q1-Resultat doch noch ‚freundlicher‘ zu gestalten.
had talked after our TelCo today even Robert tomorrow, which again will mobilize all forces after his return from the United States on the Friday, but still 'friendly' to make the Q1 result.
had this morning already spoken by our TelCo with Robert, who is again mobilize after his return from the United States on Fr. all forces but still friendly to make the Q1-result '.
after our TelCo this morning with Robert had also already spoken, who will mobilize all forces again after its return from the USA at the Fr., in order to arrange the Q1-Resultat friendlier still ‚`.