Bushido and his wife Anna Maria faith have grabbed headlines for days. She has now returned in the bosom of her family.The rapper Bushido (36) is considered hard and dark. A macho who drags musically even about colleagues. In his song "Do you know the stars" (2009), it says: "You're like Sarah Connor, who disgraced himself everywhere". The pop singer Sarah Connor (34) might have not like, but how life so play: Bushido was her brother-in-law three years later. Her younger sister Anna Maria (33) had met the rapper and married him. Sarah Connor however lacked at the dream wedding.Of the happiness of Anna Mary, now wearing part of his bourgeois last name Falcon, not much more seems to be left. The daughter mother Soraya Lewe-Tacke (55) confirmed the "Bild am Sonntag" (14 December), is with her children currently with her in the Lower Saxony Ganderkesee.Here you can order Sarah's Christmas album "Christmas in My Heart" Famous sisterAs a young woman, had taken up a few years ago in the dazzling world of celebrities, has come in the lap of a motley group of family. Also Anna Maria heard once as Sarah and the other four siblings the surname Lewe, who goes back to her father, the American copywriter Michael Lewe from New Orleans. Because the sisters were called Sarah, now called Connor, Marisa (28), Sophia-Luisa (22), Lulu, and Valentina (16), as well as brother Robin (26). After the divorce of their parents and a renewed marriage of the mother, yet the twins, lex and Mick Lewe-Tacke (both 6) as half-siblings were added.Sarah was a famous pop star, Lulu also dabbles as a singer. And Anna Maria? She swam a bit in the wake of the artistic Sarah Connor best, fell in love and married the Thai background dancers Pravit Anantapongse (35). He was also her first son Monty (9).Thrice-marriedAfter the divorce, Anna Maria in the Finnish footballer Pekka Lagerblom (32), who kicked at Werder Bremen, had attached. Second marriage in 2005, and Anna Maria was also called Lagerblom. She kept the name even after the separation, 2009.The Club Werder Bremen held the beautiful woman Lagerblom loyalty, because your next Jack of hearts was Mesut Özil (26), played at the time on the river Weser. For him, she even moved Bremen. Moreover, You converted to Islam for her Muslim boyfriend, originally blonde hair turned dark and henceforth called himself "Melek", which means "Angel".Abugan then moved to Real Madrid, "Melek" and her son moved to 2010. Also this relationship to an end was not even half a year later, and from "Melek", Anna Maria was again. She worked in a Bremen boutique. And again, Anna Maria was met by the miracle of the great love - and everything went pretty fast.Christmas without Bushido?2011 she met the rapper Bushido in the same year, she became pregnant, the wedding was in may 2012, two months later, their daughter was born. Twins - a boy and a girl - were born in November 2013. Now end of 2014 the hasty move with the children to the mother after Ganderkesee in Delmenhorst, the rest of the clan. It is not a lonely Christmas - also without placebo -.