- Foil PETP (pig skin) over screen 0 windings (fig. 3,13)
- bring up on screen 0 reciprocal tape aufbringen
to 4 layers of polyester foil (fig. 3,14)
- under that drive volume X-line (end of the HS-coil) must again one zusätzliche
PETP foil attached werden
double-sided tape on the coil with a distance approx. 40… 50 mm kleben
- Screen A – the isolation gap must lie opposite from screen 0 (Bild
- the isolation gap is again with 3 layers polyester foil too isolieren
double-sided tape brings up on the coil with a distance to approx. 40… 50 mm kleben
on screen A 4 layers of insulating foil is brought up (fig. 3,16)