Du hast dich nie verändert, bist heute noch genau die selbe Wahnsinnsfrau, wie du sie vor Jahren warst. Als mein Vorbild bist du mein Engel, der mich immer und immer wieder verzaubert, egal wie und mit was! @mandygracecapristo ♥! Thank you for that!
You've never changed, are today still exactly the same crazy woman, as you did it years ago. As my role model, you're my Angel, which enchants me over and over again no matter how and with what! @mandygracecapristo ♥! Thank you for that!
You never verändert you're still exactly the same madness woman, as you were years ago. As my role model you are my angel who enchants me over and over again, no matter how and with what! â ™ ¥mandygracecapristo! Thank you for that!
You never changed, are still today exactly the same insanity woman, as you were it years ago. As my model you are my angel, who bewitches me again and again, no matter how and with which! @mandygracecapristo ♥! Thank you for that!