Currently, the regeneration valve is mounted via two plastic holder A1664760636 and A2534760036 on the body A0014700993 (clocked). About the holder, the clock sound on the body in the Interior of the vehicle transfers where it (when the vehicle is standing idle air/radio from) is heard. Assembly: the two holders and the valve and the two refined lines (finish to engine and car-side line) are individually installed as 7 parts. Purge valve with two plastic brackets A1664760636 and A2054760336 A0014700993 (paced) is currently attached to the BIW. The blocks the cycle noise to the vehicle interior transmit via the BIW. The noise is audible in the interior when the vehicle is stationary, in neutral fashion, radio and A/c turned off. Assembly: the two brackets as well as the valve and the two purge lines (branch-off line to the engine and the body-mounted lines) are installed individually as type 7 parts. Letter description of complete solution *. A holder is eliminated, the second holder shall be replaced. The regeneration valve in the A2134700093 is surrounded by a foam and inserted into the new holder. Thus no introduction in the body longer. Clock noise in the vehicle no longer perceptible. Thus reduced Assembly contains the pipes and the valve the LU Regenerieren valve now. Variant of several vehicles tested.