Hello Mr. Salvemini,
wie following between Mr. Geiger and the supplier TI agreed upon, may supply at us lines (regeneration, exhaust and return pipes) with modified QC to TI with. Our line expert first the Erstvalierungsberichte of companies checked itself TI, which were introduced at Daimler and/or at Mr. Geiger.From this no potential risk was determined. In addition, an installation attempt on our production lines was accomplished in Rottenburg and Lozorno. The result was ok: we can along-live with these new lines in our production line. The complete technical validation for the Inergy extent was requested by us to the supplier TI and runs already. By then,we communicated a discrepancy permission to the supplier TI, up to the conclusion of the product Validierungsprozesses.
Wir have this week these first lines received in our two works Rottenburg and Lozorno. In order to care for the first deliveries - with new modified line QCs - at Daimler of locations (Rastatt, Keskemett and Valmet),we would like your requirements in the purchase Teilekennzeichnung/Q documents gladly wissen.
Vielen thanks already first for your short term Rückmeldung.