Im Oktober endete die Traumbeziehung von Mandy Capristo (24) und Mesut Özil (26) ganz plötzlich. Die Liebe war dahin, die Hochzeitsgerüchte ein für alle mal verpufft.
Die Sängerin konzentrierte sich fortan komplett auf ihre Karriere, postete viele Bilder von den Dreharbeiten für „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“ und verlor kein Wort mehr über ihren Ex. Der Arsenal-Fußballstar beschäftigte sich auch nicht mehr groß mit der Trennung, sondern legte den Fokus auf seine Genesung. Özil wird derzeit nämlich wegen einer Knieverletzung therapiert.
JETZT ist allerdings ein Foto aufgetaucht, das darauf hindeutet, dass sich die zwei wieder annähern! Wie „Bild“ berichtete, sei Mesut mit Mandys Hund Don Capone Gassi gegangen! In ihrem Heimatort Bürstadt (bei Mannheim)!
Da stellen sich natürlich Fragen über Fragen. Kommt Mesut nur zum Gassi gehen extra nach Bürstadt? Vermisst er Don Capone oder Mandy? Gab es eine Aussprache? Und natürlich die eine Frage, die wir zu gern von den beiden beantwortet bekämen: Gibt es ein Liebes-Revival?
Wenn sich Mandy und Mesut schon nicht äußern, dann sagen Sie uns wenigstens Ihre Meinung. Glauben Sie, dass die beiden noch eine Chance haben? Unten können Sie abstimmen.
In October, the dream relationship of Mandy Capristo (24) and Chelsea (26) ended all of a sudden. The love was there, the wedding rumors once and for all just fizzles out.The singer now fully focused on her career, posted lots of pictures from the shoot for "Germany sucht den superstar" and lost not a word more about her ex. The arsenal soccer star also not more largely dealt with the separation, but focused on his recovery. Real Madrid is currently namely treated due to a knee injury.NOW a photo has surfaced though, which suggests that the two once again approaching! "Image" as reported, Maharaj had gone out with Mandy dog Don Capone! In her home town of Bürstadt (near Mannheim)!There concerning questions of course. Is Mesut only for dogs go extra Bürstadt? He missed Don Capone or Mandy? There was a debate? And of course the one question, which we would like to have answered by the two: there's a dear revival?When Mandy and Mesut already not opine, you tell us your opinion at least. Do you think that the two still have a chance? You can vote below.

In October the dream relationship of Mandy Capristo (24) and Mesut Özil (26) ended completely suddenly. The love was there, the wedding rumors once and for all verpufft.
Die singer concentrated from now on completely on its career, postete many pictures of the shootings for „Germany looks for the superstar “and lost no more word over her ex.The arsenal football star busy also more largely with the separation, but did not put the focus on his recovery. Özil emerged at present because of a knee injury therapiert.
JETZT however a photo, which points to the fact that the two approximate again! How „picture reported “, Mesut with Mandys dog Don Capone had walked the dog!In its place of residence Bürstadt (with Mannheim)!
Da questions arise naturally over questions. Does Mesut come only to walking the dog specially to Bürstadt? Does it miss Don Capone or Mandy? Was there a discussion? And naturally the one question, which we would get too gladly answered by the two: Is there a love revival?
Wenn Mandy and Mesut already do not express themselves,then you say at least your opinion to us. Do you believe that the two have still another opportunity? Down you can co-ordinate.