Sigurd Höger studied chemistry at the Philipps-Universität in Marburg, received his diploma there and received his doctorate under Professor Reetz on organic charge-transfer complexes. From 1992 to 1993 he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Professor Wudl (University of California, Santa Barbara) soluble poly(p-phenylenvinylen)en for organic LEDs. He worked on his return half a year at the Max Planck Institute für Kohlenforschung in Mülheim/Ruhr. In November 1993, he moved to the Max Planck Institute for polymer research in Mainz and there engaged in faithful Solubilizing. in 1999 he completed his "Habilitation" in organic chemistry at the University of Mainz. In March 2002, he accepted a professorship at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) and worked there as a Professor of macromolecular chemistry at the Institute of technical chemistry and polymer chemistry. Professor Höger has held the Chair of "Organic chemistry of complex systems" at the Kekulé Institute of the University of Bonn since April 2006. His research interests lie in the synthesis and study of linear and cyclic chains stiffer oligomers and polymers, as well as in the development of new and more efficient methods in organic synthesis.