I am not sure if you got the quotation of glass fittings on the 26th, if didn't, pls kindly let me know so that i can resend.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Ich bin nicht sicher, wenn du das Zitat des Glasbeschläge auf der 26th, wenn pls bitte Bescheid nicht, so dass ich Resend.
ich freue mich zu hören von Ihnen bald.
ein schönes Wochenende!
Have a nice weekend!
I am not sure if you got the quotation of glass fittings on the 26th, if did not, pls kindly let me know so that i can resend. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Ich'm not sure if you of the quote Glass fittings on the 26th, if not pls kindly notice, so I resend. , I am pleased to hear from you soon. a nice weekend! Grusse, Have a nice weekend!

I to emergency sure if you got the quotation OF glass fitting on the 26th, if didn't, pls kindly let ME know so that i CAN resend.
Looking forward ton hearing from you soon. I am not safe, if you the quotation the glass fittings on the 26th, if pls do not ask answer, so that I Resend.
ich make me happy to hear of you soon.
ein beautiful weekend!
Have A nice weekend!