who the car at any time in a new reformed to know and to high-quality accessories, the company sigwald already a term. since 1919, the purely private enterprise in high quality and, in 1975, the step of reifenspezialisten the automobile specialized company. service, repair, accessories - everything from one hand.in 1985, the company finally official peugeot kundendienstpartner.sigwaldbesonders pride is a full range to be wide reifenangebot including accessories. thanks to a huge camp (with a unique in austria, selection) to the customer demand for rapid response.the scheibtruhenreifen to special and sonderfahrzeugreifen everything can be procured and installed. dozens of brands of aluminum or stahlfelgenhersteller are also available.
as a founding member of the top tire teams, a transregional cooperation with offices in austria, the company does not rest on its laurels.the success is also a modern personnel constantly on the new products on the market to be informed. product and verkaufsschulungen are periodically and guarantee the customer high quality in all aspects around the topic of auto.sigwaldhier, you have the option of an informative video on our farm to look at. "