Ich hoffe es geht Dir gut…Ich habe gestern eine mail von G. Nahas aus Versehen gelöscht in der es darum ging, dass OS Märkte Geroge Nahas in Zukunft mehr in Netzwerkthemen einbinden sollten.Kannst Du es mir bitte nochmal schicken…
I hope you are well ... <br>Yesterday I a mail from G. Nahas accidentally deleted in the aim was that OS markets Geroge Nahas in the future should be incorporated into network issues more. <br>Can you me again please send ...
I hope you are doing well...<br>Yesterday I accidentally deleted an email from G. Nahas about OS markets involving Geroge Nahas more in network topics in the future.<br>Can you please send it to me again...
I hope you're all right...<br>Yesterday, I accidentally deleted an email from G. Nahas that was about OS bringing Geroge Nahas markets more into network themes in the future.<br>Can you please send it to me again...<br>