2 Stk. Flanschklammern Heckscheibenflansch als Montagebauteil in die Stückliste einfügen und Blank freigeben. // Insert 2 flange clips for the rear window flange as assembly parts in the BoM and blank-release them.
2 Insert flange clamps rear disc flange as Assembly component in the BOM and blank release. / / Insert 2 flange clips for the rear window flange as assembly parts in the BoM and blank-release them.
Insert 2 pcs Flanschklammern Heckscheibenflansch as an assembly component in the BOM and release Blank. / / Insert two flange clips for the rear window flange assembly as parts in the BoM and blank-release them.
2 Stk. Flange clips back window flange as assembly component into the parts list insert and blank release. //INSERT 2 flange clips for the rear window flange as assembly parts into the BoM and bright release them.